00:00 Cari Ebert, MS, CCC-SLP: Neuroscience and Play-Based Learning
01:00 Cindy Chuan, OT: The Therapeutic Use of Self
02:00 Tera Sumpter, SLP-CCC: Executive Function Development
03: 00Katie Zelinski, OTR/L: Praxis and Motor Planning
04:00 Kokeb McDonald, OTR/L: Primitive Reflex Integration
05:00 Anna Dalziel, SLP: Taking toys to a new level
05:30 Janis Leinfuss, OTR/L, Amanda Newchok, OTR/L, and Erin O’Hara, OTR/L : Ready to Learn and Play
06:15 Kelsie Olds, OTR/L: Child Led Play
07:15 Adam Griffin, OTR: Playful Parents: How to teach others to be their child’s perfect play partner
08:00 Melanie Batista, OTR/L: Supporting play through telehealth
08:45 Claire Heffron, OTR/L and Lauren Drobnjak, PT: The power of playgroups
09:30 Brittni Winslow, OTR/L: Promoting Play in Private Practice
10:15 Ashley Fairley, OTR/L: Amplifying play in Early Intervention
10:45 Abigail Long, M.S. Ed., CCC-SLP/L: Promoting Play in Preschools
11:30 Heather Greutman, COTA: Messy play for children with sensory sensitivities
12:15 Bianca Mendonça, PT, DPT, PCS, CLC: Increasing access to play for children with neurodevelopmental disabilities through positioning and environmental modifications
13:00 Amy Guttmann, OTR/L and Evelyn Guttmann, OTR/L: Promoting play in ADHD and impulsivity
13:45 Joanne Cazeau, MS CC-SLP– Defending access to play for Pre-verbal Kids
14: 30 Diamond Rashad, OTD, OTR/L: No more Hand- Over-Hand
15:00 Evaluation and Assessment of Learning (42 multiple-choice questions) (90 minutes allocated)
Total 16.5 hours
*Recognition of the amount of time allocated for the assessment may vary profession to profession