Janis Leinfuss, OTR/L, Amanda Newchok, OTR/L, and Erin O’Hara, OTR/L :

Ready to Learn and Play


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Dr. Janis Leinfuss, OTD, OTR/L is a specialist in Sensory Processing and Integration Disorder, certified in the evaluation and treatment of SPD by the Sensory Therapies and Research Institute, specializing in the treatment of children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) and neurodivergence. Dr. Leinfuss published in peer-reviewed journals and has presented professionally to local, national, and international audiences. She is an adjunct faculty member in the ppOTD program at Gannon University and in the MSOT program at Seton Hall University. 

 Amanda Newchok, MS, OTR/L graduated from Quinnipiac University with her Bachelor’s of Science degree in Occupational Therapy and went on to receive a Master’s of Science in Health Care Management from the College of St. Elizabeth in Morristown, NJ. Amanda has placed an emphasis on treating the whole child and highlighting the importance of collaboration as part of a team in variety treatment settings and contexts including the school-based setting, clinic-based environment, and as an instructor for the STAR Institute. 
Erin O’Hara, MS OTR/L has been an accomplished occupational therapist for over 20 years. She has received her training from Quinnipiac University, Johns Hopkins University and has a certification in Sensory Integration from the University of Southern California. As a practitioner she functions in a variety of roles such as a presenter, adjunct professor, co-creator of the Ready to Learn and Play framework and as an active clinician. Erin uses her ability to connect and create meaningful relationships to foster the development of skill sets in her clients, students, and professional colleagues.


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