Affiliate Swipe Copy and Graphics

March 4- March 18

Conference promotion period (2 weeks)

March 18- 22

Conference Dates (4 days)

Your affiliate link should look something like this (with your name in place of the x’s)


The affiliate link has a first-click referral with a 3 month cookie period. 

Please make sure to use the link in the exact form that it is sent to you. Do not use bitly or link shorteners. Do not use the link when it transforms in the browser. 

2024 VIP Toddler Play Conference


Over the years of running the conference, email has always been the most effective way of promoting the event and earning affiliate commissions. 

Personalizing the details to ensure that they are a good fit for your audience seems to work best. 

***************** Only link YOUR UNIQUE affiliate link (it sends them straight to the registration page)

Subject: PLAY  for all kids with this FREE 5-day event!


All children have the fundamental right to play and I am sure that through your work you have seen the powerful role of play in early childhood development. 

However, you may also have seen the declining role of play in the lives of the children you serve. Especially for children who experience barriers to accessing play. 

That’s why I’m so excited to tell you about the TODDLER PLAY CONFERENCE. It is a FREE 4-day event back for the fifth time with 20 fresh expert workshops. 


  • The conference will run from Monday, March 18 through March 22.
  • It is entirely online (sweatpants are welcome) and you have a full 24 hours to listen to each day’s interviews.
  • 20 expert speakers share up-to-date information, and strategies on championing play in therapy and early childhood settings. 
  • We have a fun Facebook group that will be there to help put action to all you are learning as well as get in on daily giveaways
  • You can attend the conference absolutely free, but you can choose to grab the VIP Ticket at any time. The VIP Ticket gives you instant (yip, like from today) access to every part of the conference, additional exclusive content from every speaker, a workbook, as well as the ability to listen through your choice podcasting appPLUS 16.5 contact hours for AOTA and PT-accredited CEUs. 

The VIP Ticket is currently offered for a hugely discounted price which will go up when the conference begins, so start thinking about it. 

Are you excited?! (I sure am!)

Head over to the HERE to learn more and GRAB YOUR FREE TICKET. More information will be sent straight to your inbox afterward.

I can’t wait to see you there!



Disclosure: Links shared are affiliate links meaning if you choose to purchase something in relation to this link, I will earn a commission. 

Subject: WE START NEXT WEEK! Grab your FREE ticket to the Toddler Play Conference

With the recent changes in the CDC milestone screenings, many of us therapists were left wondering: 

  • “Has development changed?” 
  • “Are kids really so different these days that we can’t expect them to reach previously accepted milestones?”

Milestones aside, we can probably agree that the world that kids live in today has many differences from the one we grew up in. From tech advances, educational policy changes, and new parenting trends it can feel like we are always a step behind. 

Despite these changes, I believe that play is still a critical need for modern-day kids. I believe that there is huge power in mastering strategies for playing and engaging that will get your focus away from checklists and onto the unique child in front of you. 

That is exactly what you will be equipped with at the Toddler Play Conference. 


Over 4 days you will hear from me and 20 other speakers on everything from developmental scaffolding, barriers to accessing play, and coaching caregivers. 

Some amazing presentations that you won’t want to miss include things like:

  • “Neuroscience and Play-Based Learning” from Cari Ebert
  • “Child-Led Play” from Kelsie Olds, the Occuplaytional Therapist 
  • “Primitive Reflex Integration” with Kokeb McDonald  

You can grab your FREE ticket by signing up here  [INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK]


If you are worried that you won’t be able to listen in on all 20 presentations, consider upgrading your ticket to VIP. It will give you lifetime access to watch all of the videos and you will even be able to listen on your choice podcasting app. Plus 16.5 contact hours for accredited CEUs

The early bird price of $67 will expire this Sunday at 12 pm, so if you are still on the fence- now is your time to act. 

Any questions about the Toddler Play Conference? Hit reply and let me know. 

Can’t wait to see you there!


Jump to the bottom? The 4-day FREE Toddler Play Conference kicks off next week. Click here to sign up.  [INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK]

Disclosure: Links shared are affiliate links meaning if you choose to purchase something in relation to this link, I will earn a commission. 

[This email is for during the week of the conference and can be added as a blurb within an email] 


This week I have had a blast listening and learning from the other 20 expert speakers at the Toddler Play Conference. I have the VIP ticket which makes it easy for me to listen on Podcast as well as come back to the videos at any point. 


In case you are looking for some extra hours of professional development or want the accessibility of the VIP Ticket- you can upgrade over here. It’s a steal at $97 for 16.5 contact hours for accredited CEUs. 


The price is going up on Thursday, so grab it before then. 



Other Social Platforms

YouTube is a great place to share about the conference:

  1. Upload the reel as a YouTube short (add your affiliate link in description)
  2. You could share your link to the conference in your description box of new videos
  3. Share social media graphics in the community tab.
  4. Use the sales page walkthrough video (attached in the graphics folder) as a CTA in a video. 

If you would like to use your Pinterest traffic, I recommend using a blog pop-up which has been one of the most effective ways to promote in the past. 

Having a pop up that uses your affiliate link to direct to the conference is one of the best ways to earn affiliate commissions.

***Remember to use your affiliate link***

Don’t forget to turn the pop up off on March 21st. 

Offering your audience some training or valuable information and then talking about the conference is a great promotional method. 

If you are interested in this, I would be happy to do a LIVE on Instagram or YouTube with you (March 6th-17th) or you could do a live with another speaker at the conference. 

occupational therapy ceus audio


On IG please tag me @ot_holly for anything that you share so that I can reshare

Unfortunately posting the conference graphic with the link sticker on it will often have a very low reach because Instagram posts and stories generally do better when we prioritize engagement.  This might translate to 

  1. Doing a carousel post about something play-related that your audience is interested in and adding the conference graphic into the carousel 
  2. Useing the CTA of “comment “play” below and I’ll send you the signup link on stories and posts (P.S.: we have the ManyChat flow set up and linked in the tab below for you to use if you want to automate this)
  3. Posting stories with polls a few minutes before posting on Instagram. 
  4. Posting a story with a poll before a story with conference information 

*don’t forget to add the swipe up to your unique affiliate link. 

🔈COMMENT “Play” and I’ll send you the link for a FREE ticket to join the Conference. 

👉With more and more research coming out about the importance of play in the process of how children learn and develop, it has become a deep interest of mine. 

🛑And through this process of advocating for play, I have seen that connecting the dots between age-appropriate learning outcomes, milestones, and play is often missed. 

😄Whether you are a clinician or, educator I can bet that you have put hours of thought into how play can meet the developmental needs of kids living in a modern-day world. Maybe you have wondered: 

🏗️Where does developmental scaffolding come in?

📱What about getting the caregivers on board with daily playtime?  

🌈How to champion play in all practice areas? 


That’s why I’m so excited to tell you about the TODDLER PLAY CONFERENCE. It is a FREE 4-day event with 20 fresh expert workshops. 

1️⃣The conference will run from Monday, March 18 through March 22.

2️⃣20 expert speakers share up-to-date information, and strategies as well as practical demonstrations on everything Promoting Play. 

⭐You can attend the conference absolutely free, but you can choose to grab the ⭐VIP Ticket⭐ at any time. The VIP Ticket gives you instant (yip, like from today) access to every part of the conference, additional exclusive content from every speaker, a workbook, 16.5 contact hours with accredited CEUs as well as the ability to listen through your choice podcasting app

💰The VIP Ticket is currently offered for a hugely discounted price which will go up when the conference begins, so start thinking about it. 

Are you excited?! (I sure am!)

🔈COMMENT “Play” and I’ll send you the link for a free ticket to join the Conference. 


With the recent changes in the CDC milestone screenings, many of us parents, teachers, and therapists were left wondering: 

🤔“Has development changed?” 

🤔“Are kids really so different these days that we can’t expect them to reach previously accepted milestones?”

🌍Milestones aside, we can probably agree that the world that kids live in today has many differences from the one we grew up in. From tech advances, educational policy changes, and new parenting trends it can feel like we are always a step behind. 

🧒Despite these changes, I believe that play is still a critical need for modern-day kids. I believe that there is huge power in mastering strategies for playing and engaging that will get your focus away from checklists and onto the unique child in front of you. 

That is exactly what you will be equipped with at the Toddler Play Conference. 

Over 4 days you will hear from 20 other speakers on  everything from developmental scaffolding, barriers to accessing play, and coaching caregivers. 

Some amazing presentations that you won’t want to miss include things like:

[Choose a few that are relevant to your audience]

👉If you are worried that you won’t be able to listen in on all 20 presentations, consider upgrading your ticket to VIP. It will give you lifetime access to watch all of the videos and you will even be able to listen on your choice podcasting app. Plus 16.5 contact hours for accredited CEUs

The early bird price of $67 will expire this Sunday at 12 pm, so if you are still on the fence- now is your time to act. 

Any questions about the Toddler Play Conference?  

👇COMMENT “Play” and I’ll DM you a FREE Ticket 🎫

Any questions about the Toddler Play Conference? let me know. 

Can’t wait to see you there!


Some ideas for promoting on stories (all relevant graphics are in the graphics folder): 

*tip: add swipe reaction bars, yes/no, coming/you-bet-ya type engagement features helps the algorithm feature your stories more. 

  1. Use the CTA of reply and I will DM you the link (you can automate this with the many chat template below)
  2. In my experience, people respond much better to a personal recommendation than just a graphic. So a short “I’m in the Toddler Play Conference next week, swipe up to grab your FREE ticket, can’t wait to see you there” video story can be really effective. 
  3. Reshare when tagged in relevant posts, reels or personalized graphics (*add countdown timer, an event feature or GIFS)
  4. A photo or video of you using the VIP ticket (listening to the podcast, printing your learning certificate or logging into the course) have done well in previous years

With Instagram favoring engagement, adding a Call To Action that involves automated DMs with the signup link can be incredibly effective. In my experience, this can 5x the conversion to clicks. 

In order to make this easy for you, we have set up simple flow templates that you can add to your ManyChat bot. 

  • The first is for people commenting “play” on an Instagram post and then be sent the link in DM 
  • The second is for people commenting “play” on a story and then being sent the link. 

***NB*** You need to add your unique affiliate link in the “button” section of the message #2. 

ManyChat POST Automation with Keyword “Play” : 

Link to pre-built flow: 

ManyChat IG STORY Automation with Keyword “Play”: 

Link to pre-built flow

ManyChat Facebook POST automation with the keyword “Play” :


If you don’t have a manychat account you can set up a free one but may have to change some aspects of the template. 

I am available to help or walk you through any questions with manychat. 


On Facebook please tag me @othollypage for anything that you share as well as using the #toddlerplayconference 

The below posts ideas can be done in your groups or personal pages (reach will be much higher within groups).

*don’t forget to add the swipe up to your unique affiliate link.

🔈COMMENT “Play” and I’ll send you the link for a FREE ticket to join the Conference. 

👉With more and more research coming out about the importance of play in the process of how children learn and develop, it has become a deep interest of mine. 

🛑And through this process of advocating for play, I have seen that connecting the dots between age-appropriate learning outcomes, milestones, and play is often missed. 

😄Whether you are a clinician or, educator I can bet that you have put hours of thought into how play can meet the developmental needs of kids living in a modern-day world. Maybe you have wondered: 

🏗️Where does developmental scaffolding come in?

📱What about getting the caregivers on board with daily playtime?  

🌈How to champion play in all practice areas? 


That’s why I’m so excited to tell you about the TODDLER PLAY CONFERENCE. It is a FREE 4-day event with 20 fresh expert workshops. 

1️⃣The conference will run from Monday, March 18 through March 22.

2️⃣20 expert speakers share up-to-date information, and strategies as well as practical demonstrations on everything Promoting Play. 

⭐You can attend the conference absolutely free, but you can choose to grab the ⭐VIP Ticket⭐ at any time. The VIP Ticket gives you instant (yip, like from today) access to every part of the conference, additional exclusive content from every speaker, a workbook, 16.5 contact hours with accredited CEUs as well as the ability to listen through your choice podcasting app

💰The VIP Ticket is currently offered for a hugely discounted price which will go up when the conference begins, so start thinking about it. 

Are you excited?! (I sure am!)

🔈COMMENT “Play” and I’ll send you the link for a free ticket to join the Conference. 


With the recent changes in the CDC milestone screenings, many of us parents, teachers, and therapists were left wondering: 

🤔“Has development changed?” 

🤔“Are kids really so different these days that we can’t expect them to reach previously accepted milestones?”

🌍Milestones aside, we can probably agree that the world that kids live in today has many differences from the one we grew up in. From tech advances, educational policy changes, and new parenting trends it can feel like we are always a step behind. 

🧒Despite these changes, I believe that play is still a critical need for modern-day kids. I believe that there is huge power in mastering strategies for playing and engaging that will get your focus away from checklists and onto the unique child in front of you. 

That is exactly what you will be equipped with at the Toddler Play Conference. 

Over 4 days you will hear from  20 speakers on  everything from developmental scaffolding, barriers to accessing play, and coaching caregivers. 

Some amazing presentations that you won’t want to miss include things like:

[Choose a few that are relevant to your audience]

👉If you are worried that you won’t be able to listen in on all 20 presentations, consider upgrading your ticket to VIP. It will give you lifetime access to watch all of the videos and you will even be able to listen on your choice podcasting app. Plus 16.5 contact hours for accredited CEUs

The early bird price of $67 will expire this Sunday at 12 pm, so if you are still on the fence- now is your time to act. 

Any questions about the Toddler Play Conference?  

👇COMMENT “Play” and I’ll DM you a FREE Ticket 🎫

Any questions about the Toddler Play Conference? let me know. 

Can’t wait to see you there!


*tip: aim to get engagement on the post (through polls, asking to comment in a GIF, using feeling feature). The more engagement- the more the algorithm will show it to your group members.

Some other ideas for promoting  are:

  1. Poll asking something related to the conference (like how long does your kid play independently? Do you use play as a tool for learning? Do you understand the connection between play and milestones?) and giving a couple checkbox answers. Make sure to leave your affiliate link in description. 
  2. Useing the above post texts and graphics (this may not be accepted by all groups so just check the rules). 
  3. Answering questions asked in the group by telling about the conference. 
Toddler Play CEU logo

Affiliate Swipe Copy and Graphics

March 7- 20

Conference promotion period

March 21-25

Conference Dates


Subject: DEEPLY ENGAGE YOUR TODDLER with this FREE 5 day event!


After a stretching two years of social distancing and having so many of our support structures as parents taken away, I am more convinced than ever that it is the small, sometimes messy moments of play that are most meaningful for child development in the early years. 

But I know that giving our kids the gift of play doesn’t always come easy. From toy clutter, big emotions and always wanting to be played with it can be hard to see the value in it. As well as get that peace of mind that you as the parent are truly setting your kiddo up for success in life and doing enough in these little years of explosive brain development.

That’s why I’m so excited to tell you about the TODDLER PLAY CONFERENCE. It is a FREE 5-day event happening for the second year in a row. 

  • The conference will run from Monday, March 21st until Friday March 25th
  • It is entirely online (sweatpants are welcome) and you have a full 24 hours to listen to each day’s interviews.
  • Each day will be packed with amazing speakers equipping you with practical tools for creating a home that invites play. 
  • We have a fun Facebook group which will be there to help put action to all you are learning as well as get in on daily giveaways
  • You can attend the conference absolutely free, but you can choose to grab the VIP Ticket at any time. The VIP Ticket gives you instant (yip, like from today) access to every part of the conference, additional exclusive content from every speaker, a workbook, certificate for over 15 hours of learning as well as the ability to listen through your choice podcasting app

The VIP Ticket is currently offered for a hugely discounted price which will go up when the conference begins, so start thinking about it. 

Are you excited?! (I sure am!)

Head over to the HERE to learn more and GRAB YOUR FREE TICKET. More information will be sent straight to your inbox afterwards.

I can’t wait to see you there!


Subject: DO-ABLE TOOLS FOR YOUR PARENTING TOOLBOX.  Get your free ticket – we start next week!

Ever attended a conference or read a parenting book and left feeling like “seriously, has this person ever met a kid?!”

I sure have. 

The little years have a way of stretching parents (and then stretching a little more). That is why I am so excited about the Toddler Play Conference which kicks off next week (March 21-25). 

This 5 day event is designed for REAL PARENTS. It will equip you with tons of do-able tools for your parenting toolbox while also taking some of that “Am I doing enough?” pressure off of your shoulders. 

I know that play can sometimes feel like another thing you have to add to your (already full) plate. 

And how challenging it can be to get your kiddo to actually engage in independent play long enough for you to send that email (you know, the one you have drafted 3 times already). 

The Toddler Play Conference is all about meeting you and your small human where you are at in your unique journey. 

Over 5 days you will hear from over 25 speakers on everything from speech development, to Montessori to emotional regulation for littles and everything in between. 

Don’t miss this game-changing event!

You can grab your FREE ticket by signing up here  [INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK]

If you are worried that you won’t be able to listen in on all 25 presentations, consider upgrading your ticket to VIP. It will give you a full year to watch all of the  videos and  you will even be able to listen on your choice podcasting app. Plus tons of bonuses. 

The early bird price of $67 will expire when the conference begins, so if you are still on the fence- now is your time to act. 

Any questions about the Toddler Play Conferencet? Hit reply and let me know. 

Can’t wait to see you there!


Jump to the bottom? The 5-day FREE Toddler Play Conference kicks off next week. Click here to sign up.  [INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK]

Subject: WE START TOMORROW! Grab your FREE ticket to the Toddler Play Conference


Have you registered for the Toddler Play Conference yet? Don’t miss out on this powerful resource-  grab your FREE ticket.  [INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK]

What to expect during the conference? 



Join the fun! 

  • Cash in on this game-changing FREE resource. 
  • Give your toddler the best opportunity for developing and learning through play
  • And get some extra hands-free time in your day. 
  • PLUS you will get in on some seriously exciting daily giveaways

I can’t wait to see you there.  [INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK]

Want to join but you have a busy week? Don’t miss out on the fun- consider upgrading your ticket to VIP. It will give you lifetime access to watch all of the  videos and  you will even be able to listen on your choice podcasting app. Plus some really fun bonuses. 

The early bird price of $67 will expire on March 20 at midnight, so if you are still on the fence- now is your time to act. 


Jump to the bottom? The 5-day FREE Toddler Play Conference kicks off next week. Click here to sign up.  [INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK]


On IG please tag me @ot_holly for anything that you share as well as using the #toddlerplayconference 

*don’t forget to add the swipe up to your unique affiliate link. 

FREE resource for you below. 

I am so excited to tell you about the TODDLER PLAY CONFERENCE that my friend @ot_holly has put together. 

From March 21 through 25th over 25  amazing speakers are going to inspire, encourage and empower you to create space in your head, heart and home for play. 

Interviews range from topics like, speech development, to Montessori to emotional regulation for littles and everything in between. 

It is all happening online so you can listen while you multitask (in other words, while you parent)

The conference kicks off on March 21 and it’s going to be 5 action-packed days that you are NOT going to want to miss.

Click the link in my bio to learn more and get your free ticket! And leave a comment below to tell me how excited you are so I’m not over here having a party alone! 😉


The TODDLER PLAY CONFERENCE kicks off on Monday!

This FREE 5 day event, featuring over 25 speakers is designed for REAL PARENTS. It will equip you with tons of do-able tools for your parenting toolbox while also taking some of that “Am I doing enough?” pressure off of your shoulders. 

You’re going to hear from all kinds of experts like:




And sooo many more!

There are topics ranging from bilingualism in toddlers to sibling rivalry to emotional regulation for toddlers.

Let me know which presentation you’re most excited about in the comments and, if you haven’t yet, check out the link in my bio [INSERT YOUR HANDLE] to learn more and grab your FREE ticket!


   Here are some ideas for hashtags that you can copy and paste for posts and stories. 


 #toddlerplayconference #invitationtocreate #learningisfun #childhoodunplugged #childhoodmemories #earlychildhoodeducator #earlychildhooddevelopment #earlychildhoodfunandlearning #playbased #playingislearning #toddleractivities #playroom #kidstoys #montessori #preschoolathome #preschoolactivities #montessorichild #homeschool #preschooler #childcare #preschoolactivity #montessoriathome #montessorikids #preschoolcrafts #toddleractivity#momtessoriinspired #toddlermoms #montessori #montessoriathome #practicallifeskills #practicallife #montessoritoddlerhood #montessoritoddler #independenttoddler #childdevelopment #preparedenvironment #mariamontessori #toddler #playathometoday #sensoryfun #trayplay #trayplaytoday #smallworldplayideas #activitiesfortoddlers #sensoryplaytolearn #makecreateplay #invitationtoplay #trayfortheday #everydayplayhacks #simpleplay #sensorytable #sensorytray #smallworldplay #toddlerplaytoday #toddlerfun #inspiremyplay #toddlerplayathome 

#looseparts #loosepartsplay #finemotorskills #creativeplay #creativity #imaginaryplay #openendedplay #invitationtoplay #playmatterst #independentplay #playandlearn #playislearning #earlyyearsplay #woodentoys #fewerbettertoys #simplelittlethings#mindfulparenting #consciousparenting #respectfulparenting #waldorfinspired #waldorfhome #waldorfeducation #waldorf #oarenting #parentingtips #parentinglife #teachingyourchild #teachingyourchildwhatmattersmost #momlife #shelfie #shelfiedecor #bookshelf #bookshelfdecor #raisingreaders #toddlermom #toddlermomlife #screentime #positiveparenting #montessori #toddlerhood #gentleparenting #momlife #dadlife #girldad #ftm #newmom #sahm #workingmom #wahm #momboss #momssupportingmoms #motherhoodunplugged #letthembelittle #parentingtips #mindfulparenting #motherhoodrising #messyplay #holisticplay #ecoconscious #sustainableplay #natureplayideas #playideas #playbasedlearning #invitationtoplay #naturekids #earlyyears #natureplay #playoutisde #outdoorkids #naturesplayroom 

Some ideas for promoting on stories (all relevant graphics are in the graphics folder): 

*tip: add swipe reaction bars, yes/no, coming/you-bet-ya type engagement features helps the algorithm feature your stories more. You can also use countdown timer or the new event feature

  1. Use your unique affiliate link in a link sticker on stories
  2. In my experience, people respond much better to a personal recommendation than just a graphic. So a short “I’m in the Toddler Play Conference next week, swipe up to grab your FREE ticket, can’t wait to see you there” video story can be really effective. 
  3. I’m looking forward to listening to graphic (tag the speakers that you are looking forward to) 
  4. Ask a question story series (Would you like your toddler to play independently?) 
  5. Sharing the reels that promote the conference with your affiliate link
Toddler Play Conference logo


The below posts ideas can be done in your groups or personal pages (reach will be much higher within groups).

*don’t forget to use  your unique affiliate link.

FREE resource for you below. 

I am so excited to tell you about the TODDLER PLAY CONFERENCE that my friend @OT-Holly has put together. 

From March 21st through 25th over 25  amazing speakers are going to inspire, encourage and empower you to create space in your head, heart and home for play. 

Interviews range from topics like, speech development, to Montessori to emotional regulation for littles and everything in between. 

It is all happening online so you can listen while you multitask (in other words, while you parent)

The conference kicks off on March 21 and it’s going to be 5 action-packed days that you are NOT going to want to miss.

Click the link below to learn more and get your free ticket! And leave a comment below to tell me how excited you are so I’m not over here having a party alone! 😉


The TODDLER PLAY CONFERENCE kicks off on Monday!

This FREE 5 day event, featuring over 25 speakers is designed for REAL PARENTS. It will equip you with tons of do-able tools for your parenting toolbox while also taking some of that “Am I doing enough?” pressure off of your shoulders. 

You’re going to hear from all kinds of experts like:




And sooo many more!

We’ve got topics ranging from bilingualism in toddlers to process art to connecting through play.

Let me know which presentation you’re most excited about in the comments and, if you haven’t yet, check out the link below to learn more and grab your FREE ticket!


 Here are some ideas for hashtags that you can copy and paste for posts and stories. 


 #toddlerplayconference #invitationtocreate #learningisfun #childhoodunplugged #childhoodmemories #earlychildhoodeducator #earlychildhooddevelopment #earlychildhoodfunandlearning #playbased #playingislearning #toddleractivities #playroom #kidstoys #montessori #preschoolathome #preschoolactivities #montessorichild #homeschool #preschooler #childcare #preschoolactivity #montessoriathome #montessorikids #preschoolcrafts #toddleractivity#momtessoriinspired #toddlermoms #montessori #montessoriathome #practicallifeskills #practicallife #montessoritoddlerhood #montessoritoddler #independenttoddler #childdevelopment #preparedenvironment #mariamontessori #toddler #playathometoday #sensoryfun #trayplay #trayplaytoday #smallworldplayideas #activitiesfortoddlers #sensoryplaytolearn #makecreateplay #invitationtoplay #trayfortheday #everydayplayhacks #simpleplay #sensorytable #sensorytray #smallworldplay #toddlerplaytoday #toddlerfun #inspiremyplay #toddlerplayathome 

#looseparts #loosepartsplay #finemotorskills #creativeplay #creativity #imaginaryplay #openendedplay #invitationtoplay #playmatterst #independentplay #playandlearn #playislearning #earlyyearsplay #woodentoys #fewerbettertoys #simplelittlethings#mindfulparenting #consciousparenting #respectfulparenting #waldorfinspired #waldorfhome #waldorfeducation #waldorf #oarenting #parentingtips #parentinglife #teachingyourchild #teachingyourchildwhatmattersmost #momlife #shelfie #shelfiedecor #bookshelf #bookshelfdecor #raisingreaders #toddlermom #toddlermomlife #screentime #positiveparenting #montessori #toddlerhood #gentleparenting #momlife #dadlife #girldad #ftm #newmom #sahm #workingmom #wahm #momboss #momssupportingmoms #motherhoodunplugged #letthembelittle #parentingtips #mindfulparenting #motherhoodrising #messyplay #holisticplay #ecoconscious #sustainableplay #natureplayideas #playideas #playbasedlearning #invitationtoplay #naturekids #earlyyears #natureplay #playoutisde #outdoorkids #naturesplayroom 

*tip: aim to get engagement on the post (through polls, asking to comment in a GIF, using feeling feature). The more engagement- the more the algorithm will show it to your group members.

Some other ideas for promoting within your own group are:

  1. LIVE to talk about your topic 
  2. Poll asking something related to the conference (like how long does your kid play independently? How much time do you spend cleaning up toys? When was the last time you did a toy rotation? ) and giving a couple checkbox answers. Make sure to leave your affiliate link in description. 
  3. Additional Facebook Groups:  You are welcome to share your affiliate link in any parents facebook groups that you may be a part of (as long as it follows that specific groups rules)

Other Social Platforms

You could share your link to the conference in your description box or share graphics and polls on the community tab.

A previous speaker also did a screen share walk through of the registration page for the conference which was very successful. 

Use the story graphics as pins to direct to a blog post or page with a graphic about the conference.

You can set up a temporary popup and direct it with your affiliate link to the conference page

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