
therapist and
anyone working with children

Thank you for the work that you do!

Make sure you get to watch the below talks during the conference: 

Cari Ebert, SLP

Building Executive Function Skills Through Play-Based Learning

Adam Griffin, OT 

Ball Play Like You Have Never Seen It Before

Allie Ticktin MA, OTD, OTR/L

Reimagining Learning Through Sensory Play

Cara Koscinski, OTD, MOT, OTRL, CAS

Sensory Processing Red Flags

Emily Kukla, SLP

Home Programs That Support Speech Development Through Play

Heather Sossoman, PT, DPT

From Clumsy to Strong

Stacy Menz, PT, DPT, PCS

Play For Endurance

Heather Greutman, COTA

Visual Perception in the Little Years

Chanda Jothen, PT

Indoor Purposeful Motor Play

Alene Villaneda, BS, OFM, CNHP, iLS, BIT

3 Step Framework for Easy and Successful Retained Primitive Reflex Integration

Laura Brown, SLP

The untapped power of supporting toddler language through play

Claire Heffron, OT and Lauren Drobnjak, PT

It All Starts With The Core

When we are working with kids a little extra time can go a long way

That is why I designed the VIP Ticket, to give you the time and accessibility to soak in all the goodness from our experts, while also getting education hours for it. Win win! 

the Toddler Play Conference VIP Ticket includes podcast feed and exclusive bonuses
Toddler Play Conference VIP Ticket

the VIP Ticket

Want to snag the bonus content from every speaker + listen on the go, podcast style?

Conferences can go by in a flash so we want to make all of these game -changing resources available to you, for keeps.

By upgrading to the VIP ticket you get every part of the conference

+ bonus content from every speaker

+ all talks in a podcast form so you can listen on the go 

+ instant access (no need to wait around- the VIP ticket is ready and waiting)

+ Certificate of Participation for over 15 hours of learning

Early Bird Pricing Exprires in:


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